Friday, March 3, 2017

The Sweetest Fig

Author: Chris Van Allsburg
Genre: Fantasy
Title:  The Sweetest Fig

The Sweetest Fig is about this guy how is so so neat but the and he walks into work one day.  And the patient didn’t have any money but what she did have is two figs and the dentist said, “No no no that isn't money that is figs.”  Another thing she said, “These are powerful.” So the dentist went to his house that evening and sat down and had the fig.  Bibot thought this is the best fig ever.  Also, Bibot had a dream that night about wearing the perfect suit and then he woke up that morning and he went into public and wasn’t wearing his suit.

I think the best part about the book is Bibot went into public without any clothes on and everyone was looking at him and he was wondering why everyone was looking at him. I think you would like this book because it is a very good book, but it teaches you always be kind to others if you want to be treated kindly.

By Nora T